A combination of emission and reflection nebulae reside close (in celestial terms) to the super bright star gamma Cassiopeia. It is only 3-4 light years away. This star is responsible for
energizing the emission faces of both IC 59 and IC 63 causing the reddish glow. The reflection (bluish) portion of IC 59 (upper nebulosity in this image) is much less noticeable. Gamma Cass is
the bright blue star in this image.
Collectively these two nebulae are known as Sharpless 185 (Sh2-185).
OTA: William Optics Star71
Camera: Atik 460ex w/EFW2 filter wheel
Filters: Astrodon Ha/SII/LRGB
Mount: AP Mach1
Exposure: Ha:SII:L:R:G:B 220:120:40:72:66:102 (m) rgb bin 2x2
Data obtained: October/November 2015