Melotte 15

An open cluster of massive hot blue super-giant stars can be found near the center of IC 1805 - more commonly referred to as the Heart Nebula.  Shown in the upper right quadrant of this image  the fierce stellar winds from these young stars have blown an enormous bubble within the parent HII nebula.  These winds have also sculpted the dust clouds within which other stars are forming.


This image uses the (modified) hubble palette (SII/Ha/OIII) and has RGB stars.


OTA:  Skywatcher Esprit 120

Camera:  Atik 460ex w/EFW2 filter wheel

Filters:  Astrodon Ha/OIII/SII (all 3nm) and LRGB Gen2 - E series

Mount:  AP Mach 1

Exposure:  Ha:OIII:SII:RGB     280:140:180:30 

Data obtained:  Dec 2015, Oct/Nov 2016

Meadowlark Ridge Observatory
Meadowlark Ridge Observatory