The constellation of Monoceros is home to a large cloud of gas and dust known as the Rosette Nebula. At the heart of this cosmic star nursery lies a cluster of hot young stars officially known as
NGC 2244. Their stellar winds are clearing a hole in the center of the nebula (NGC 2237) while the surrounding dust and gas glows from the ultraviolet light created by these stars.
The Rosette (or Rosetta) Nebula’s appearance in optical light resembles a rose flower or the rosette, the stylized flower design used in sculptural objects since ancient times, and the nebula was
named after the design.
OTA: William Optics Star71
Camera: Atik 460ex w/EFW2 filter wheel
Filters: Astrodon Ha/OIII/SII
Mount: AP Mach1
Exposure: Ha:OIII:SII 120:140:140 (m)
Data obtained: February/March 2015