An interesting and not often imaged emission nebula lies quietly in the northern skies between the constellations Cepheus and Lacerta. It is quite faint but is rich in both hydrogen and
Oxygen. Sulfur is also present but to a much lesser extent. Estimates on its distance from earth vary with 10,000 light years being commonly accepted.
Narrowband mapping during processing: Red: 76%Ha/24%SII Green: OIII Blue: 85%OIII/15%SII and the stars are RGB.
I imaged this nebula back in 2015 with a larger telescope but decided to try again with my Exprit 120 which gives a little wider field of view. I've had this data for 3 years but finally
got around to processing it.
OTA: Skywatcher Esprit 120
Camera: Atik 460ex
Filters: Astrodon Ha/OIII/SII (all 3nm) and RGB Gen 2
Mount: AP Mach 1
Exposure (m): Ha:SII:OIII:RGB 180:160:220:30 (per channel)
Data obtained: Nov/Dec 2016